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Collaboration is Key; a Feather to a Wing

As an educator it is important to know that we are one of the many individuals in a students life that they interact on a daily basis. As an Educator we focus on what makes us great and what is needed for us to improve our teaching methods and ideas. No teacher is perfect and we are presented with just as many ways as our students are to grow and spread our wings each day. To become a better educator we must seek each other to guide us in ways that we may be blind to. Each of us have a specialization in our teaching from organization, execution of lessons, analysis of assessments and interacting with students.

As I work in my school filled with educators I seek this in each of them. Each individual offers a special gift to what makes them a great educator. Each of us being the feather that keeps the wing in motion. I find this from the caretakers that work with students throughout the day; aiding them with things in and out of the classroom. Aiding me with knowledge that I lack when it comes to interacting with parents and families in a world where Spanish is the main source of communication. To my co-teachers who I work with on a daily basis; they aide me in what is expected in the classroom and what tools are needed for me to execute each goal and lesson for every student,

With this collaboration we are able to share ideas and lessons from grade level to grade level. Mixing and adding ideas that can further benefit the growth of each student. Spanish Language Teachers often provide me with the scaffolding that is needed when we connect what we are learning in our own English classroom to theirs. Most of the topic of interests and facts are crossed in both languages allowing us to scaffold and support students as well as educators in the classroom.

Follow me as I continue to share ways of collaboration in the classroom and how it is able to keep me afloat with my goals as an educator.

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